And finally, some more history on our club, to close off the three journals commemorating the club’s fiftieth anniversary. Our presents, club man and women award winners (taken from the 30th anniversary special journal).... And the highly coveted Late Comers Award! These are obviously not all our awards, but they’ll give you some background on those who’ve help the club grow, those who were awarded special recognition for their ongoing support to the club, and those who WERE ALWAYS LATE !


Award Club Man


1966–1971 Jim Kerr

1971-1974 Dale Allen *

1974-1979 John Hunt *

1979-1981 Col. Patience *

1981-1985 Tom Lambert *

1985-1988 Bob Mantle *

1988-1992 Ray Griffin *

1992-1993 Adrian DeVOS

1994-1996 Eddie Reynolds *

1996-2001 Eric Chaplin

2001-2003 Margaret Griffin *

There was a gap between November 2003 and June 2004 when we did not have a President.

2004-2007 Kevin Churchill *

2007-2010 David Landells

2010-2015 Kevin Churchill

2015-Present Brian Garrett

* Also Life Members


Award Club Lady Award Late Commer