50thThe Beginning

Presentation Day

Annual Melbourne Concours

Melbourne Annual Tour

Birthday Run

Melbourne Swap Meet

CHACA Club Badge

Honour Roll

A Place in the Sun


A word from the President


We are well into the CHACA 50th year celebrations and by the time you read this we would have completed the Swan Hill 50th birthday re-enactment run. Well actually it is the 49th birthday run. If all the planning by John & Louise Baker comes to fruition I am sure it will be very successful.

The Birthday lunch at the Veneto Club was, I think, a great success with so many members coming and bringing family and friends. The kids added another element to the event and they had a ball with their own table.
The overall numbers in attendance surprised me and we really pushed the capacity of the room we booked. Sorry about the tight squeeze but that was better than just a few attending. Let's call it "cozy". 


The work put in by committee members and wives enabled this event to be the success it was, and it is these results that make being a member of the committee very satisfying.
Also do not forget that we will be desperately short of Committee people after the next election in October unless members stand up and volunteer for a position. The club will not run itself.

Brian and his "bodyguard" Barry at our recent 50th anniversary luncheon

We certainly need volunteers to come forward to co-ordinate the remaining runs for the year. James Allan has put up his hand to organise the Clunes run in July but we still need someone to organise the Yering Golf Club lunch in August and a run in September. So don't be shy please come forward and assist. Organising a run is not a daunting process and there are plenty of members that have done so in the past that can give friendly advice and support.

It's surprising the difference it makes when doing little maintenance jobs on your historic vehicle.
I had been a little concerned about my Fiat 130 with a slight drive line rumble so I thought I would start with the basics and replaced the rear gearbox mount. What a difference it made. The car has always been pretty smooth now it is super smooth on the road, and the rumble has gone. Well worth the effort to do.

So what does that all mean? It means don't put off those small maintenance jobs that you know need to be done. Doing it early will save you later.

Happy motoring
Brian Garrett

CHACA 50th Pic