The current membership fees for the CHACA Club


 Membership Category  Joining Fee  Annual Subscription  Total Joining Fee
 Full Member with printed journal  $30  $60  $90
 Joint Members with printed journal  $30  $70  $100
 Full Member with emailed journal  $30  $50  $80
 Joint Members with emailed journal  $30  $60  $90


Joint Members Two Full Memberships eg: Husband & Wife, Partners etc
Associate Members

Full Members are welcome to have an associate (partner, friend, spouse) but the associate is not entitled to vote on Club issues or accumulate Membership years.

Renewals If joined Nov-Jun Membership must renew when due on November 1st. If joined July-Oct, Membership will carry through to renewal date in the following year.


Interested in becoming a member ?

For inquiries please contact Membership Secretary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

or email the Membership Secretary a filled in membership form 


Note: To be eligible for a club permit you need to be at least a club member for 3 months. Please be aware that we are based in victoria.