National Steam Engine Museum
A Perfect Sunday for a run to the Steam park, Scoresby. Temperatures rising to 27 degrees.
Most cars arrived at 10am and the weather was gorgeous, warming up more so after lunch.
There was plenty of shade to accomodate the many members of CHACA and The Oldsmobile clubs.
Everyone was grateful to get out on a car run, after covid restrictions,
and we all settled under the shade of trees to enjoy our BYO morning tea and lunch. Clean toilet facilities were available.
There was plenty to see around the Steam Centre as there were a lot more buildings, vehicles, machinery, and working displays.
Also plenty of parkland. A lot of the Steam Centre volunteers were working on the engines,
getting them ready for the SteamFest long weekend, 6-8 March 2021.
Including Miniature Railway Rides ($3), Sunday train rides 11am-4pm.
Check their website for more details.
People rambled home, sometime after lunch at their leisure, after enjoying lots of chats with different members old and new.
Report: Louise Baker CHACA.
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